how to start making money on shopify

It is a great platform that we can work on and earn a lot of money. The money we earn is not taken lightly for example if we are qualified we can earn millions in Ethiopian currency in two hours. How’s it going? Next, read the existing article carefully.

Shopify is the immediate one that can make our dreams come true. It is a huge warehouse where we store all the goods in the world that human beings need and sell them in the market. What items can we sell here? On Shopify you can see trendy items like what a person usually likes for their home and kids, interior painting, lifestyle necessities, beauty products like lubricants, electronics, textiles, and much more.

We make these collection shapes in website format from our homes where we live. It’s free for 14 days and then paid. Until this day we worked for free and we could make money but days after that we have bills to spend and she has few. That’s a billable month.

However, it is up to the father to decide how successful a person is in shopify. These items stored there are what everyone wants but we have to think about how we can reach out to someone else. There are many things we need to do about that. For example, many of the ways we distribute these materials are through email, facebook business management, our own website and so on.

Let’s take a look at what happens next. First our shopify shape or website design is done and then where we sell the goods from and we deliver these to our shopi.

So after we finish the design of our shop, there are also places where we can pick up the goods from places like Amazon, Alibaba, AliExpress and so on. We do not sell these products at the price these companies sell at our shopi but we add to the price and sell it at a higher price than the company requires.

Benefits of Shopify To Sell
He is the seller of the website and his profits are high. If he sells more than 100 products a day, he may make a profit of hundreds of thousands of dollars. therefore, the profitability of the shopify owner is unpredictable.

Benefits of Shopify To Buy It

One of the benefits of a customer buying from you through your website is that they don’t have to go up and down because they buy online without leaving their home. There is also free shipping from the company you are selling the goods to. The company will send the goods to your customer, and the delivery people will go to your customer’s house and deliver the goods. He gets the equipment he needs at home without paying for transportation.


There are various companies and websites that act as third parties when an item is sold from our shop.

These are set up for quick delivery of the item by the customer. However, the main advantage is that the tool helps us to deliver your customer in a timely manner.

They are paid by contracting with e-commerce companies and this third party is paid after your customer’s payment is completed. Here are 9 well-known third party companies that transport these items

  • DSers-AliExpress Dropshipping
  • Inventory Source
  • Wholesale Central
  • Spocket
  • SaleHoo
  • Wholesale2b
  • Modalist
  • Doba
  • Worldwide Brands

Two places where we benefit from storing various items into our Shopify as well as third-party service providers include AliExpress. It is the company that has many customers from around the world.

How to transfer our money from Shopify to banks are aka Visa Card, Google Pay, Apple Pay , Paypal and so on. If we are working on this in Ethiopia, the only thing that will help us for now is Paypal.

Apart from this, the others that may temporarily bother us will all work abroad. Another thing is that we need to update our products from time to time on our website shop which means that we must keep updating the price and even replacement if possible Because if it was, prices are likely to go down or up, so it’s crucial to monitor that.

Especially to fix this product, we can easily import the product to our shopkeeper by installing a high-performance application called Oberlo which is connected to AliExpress. It’s an amazing platform and will serve us to bring millions of products to our shops. Therefore, befriending and working with Shopify makes you a great entrepreneur.


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