Mobaayila keessan akka iphone ti jijiruuf App kana bufaadhu

Launcher iOS 16 is a launcher that lets you give your Android device the same look as iOS 16. Akkasumas, kan nama ajaa’ibu, bifa interface jijjiiruun akka bareedu gochuu qofa osoo hin taane, amaloota dabalataa tokko tokko kan meeshaa keessan walqixa taasisan dabalata caalaatti iPhone fakkaata.

Launcher iOS 13 erga install gootanii booda wanti jalqabaa gochuu qabdan kanneen iOS irratti default ta’anii dhufan keessaa wallpaper keessan fudhachuudha. Sun yoo raawwatame, akkaataa barruun hojii jala iskiriinii irraa akka ba’u, akkuma iPhone irratti, ykn akkaataa mallattooleen hundi qarqara geengoo qaban ni argitu.

Filannoowwan setup Launcher iOS 16 irratti argaman keessatti adda addaa baay’ee ni argattu. Tokkoon tokkoon tarree fi tarjaa keessatti baay’ee ykn xiqqaa akka walsimu guddina mallattoolee sirreessuu dandeessa, akkasumas karaa gabaabaa sochii qaamaa qindeessuu ykn illee jajjabina yeroo baafata appii kee banattu argitu saaguu dandeessa.

Launcher iOS 16 launcher Android humna guddaa qabu yoo ta’u, Android keessaniif akka iPhone ‘fakkeessuudhaan’ bifa baayyee bareedaa kan kennu yoo ta’u, amaloota baayyee hawwataa ta’an tokko tokkoo fi wallpapers babbareedoo lakkoofsa gaarii qaban.

Launcher iOS 16 is a launcher that lets you give your Android device the same look as iOS 16. And, remarkably, it not only lets you change the look of interface to make it prettier, but also adds some extra features that make your device even more like an iPhone.

The first thing to do once you install Launcher iOS 13 is pick your wallpaper from the ones that come by default on iOS. That done, you’ll see how the task bar rolls out from the bottom of the screen, as on iPhone, or how all the icons have rounded edges.

In the setup options on Launcher iOS 16 you’ll find a lot of variety. You can adjust the size of the icons to fit more or fewer in each row and column, as well as configure gesture shortcuts or even set the blur you’ll see when you open your app drawer.

Launcher iOS 16 is a powerful Android launcher that gives a very elegant look to your Android by ‘disguising’ it as an iPhone with some very interesting features and a good number of pretty wallpapers.

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