Mobaayila keenya salphaatti Root godhuuf App ajaa’iba

mobaayila keessan Root gochuuf karaa salphaa namoota barbaadaniif kun furmaata ajaa’iba dha Sababni isaas osoo bilbila keessa hin miidhin sekondii muraasa keessati Root gochuun itti fayyadamuu ni dandeessu.

Faayidaan Root malii? Faayidan root inni guddan bilbila keessan irratti hayyama guutuu ta’e argachuuf akkasumaas wantoota amma dura bilbilli keessaniif hin hayyamamneef hedduu isa hojechuuf akkasumaas wantoota haakii waliin wal qabatan kamiyyuu raawachuuf kan isin gargaruu dha.

Appiin mobaayila Root gochuu danda’an bayyedha isan keessa tokko kan ta’e KingRoot kan jedhamudha dhuma barreeffama kana irratti ni argatu bakka download jedhu tuquun

Hojimaanni rooting akkuma Towelroot wajjin ta’u salphaadha. Appichi guutummaatti afaan Chaayinaatiin ta’us, salphaatti button halluu diimaa qabu tuquun eeguu qabda. Sekondii lama booda appichi adeemsa sana xumuree meeshaan keessan root ta’a.

KingRoot meeshaalee hunda waliin akka hin hojjenne beekuun barbaachisaadha. Fakkeenyaaf Moto G waliin rakkina tokko tokko keessa galuu dandeessa. Nexus waliin garuu yeroo baayyee haala gaariin hojjeta.

KingRoot karaa gaarii Android keessan root gochuuf gargaarudha. Kana jechuun, meeshaa tokko root gochuun yeroo hunda adeemsa micciiramaa waan ta’eef salphaatti tarkaanfadhaa balaa isa mudatu dammaqaa

The rooting procedure is as simple as it is with Towelroot. Although the app is entirely in Chinese, you simply have to tap on the blue button and wait. After a couple of seconds, the app completes the process and your device is rooted.

It’s important to know that KingRoot doesn’t work with all devices. With Moto G, for instance, you can run into some trouble. With Nexus, though, it usually works perfectly.

What can I do with KingRoot?

With KingRoot you can uninstall unwanted software, improve your devices performance, get admin rights, access rooting apps or fully customize your Android, among other things.

What happens if I remove KingRoot?

If you remove KingRoot from your Android, you will lose all the benefits you got from the tool, including the admin rights. In some cases, the modified apps may stop working or do it with errors.

What is the file size of KingRoot APK?

The file size of KingRoot is 13 MB. But this is for KingRoot, bear in mind that the size of the rooting apps may vary depending on their specifics.

What happens with KingRoot if I update my Android version?

KingRoot may stop working if you update your Android version. Currently, mobile devices manufacturers try to avoid the rooting of their devices, so you may need to reset the app to be able to use it.

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